Bus and Coach Engineering Technician - Level 3

  • Duration - The training element will typically take up to 36 months to complete with approximately 20% off the job learning. 
  • Salary - Real Living Wage.
  • Entry Requirements - Apprentices who are recruited without level 2 English and Maths will need to achieve this level prior to completion of their Apprenticeship.

As one of our engineering apprentices, you will work alongside our team of skilled engineers at sites across the West Midlands to learn the technical skills and build your knowledge to carry out the role of a modern Bus and Coach Engineer.

Some of your work based learning will involve:

  • Contributing to safe working practices in Bus/Coach Engineering and Maintenance.
  • Conducting the inspection of buses/coaches.
  • Carrying out scheduled mechanical maintenance on buses/coaches.
  • Carrying out scheduled electrical maintenance.
  • Diagnosing and repairing mechanical faults in bus/coach systems and components.

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